Universal College Lanka (UCL) is fully owned by Eduko Lanka (Pvt) Ltd., a private education services company serving high performing students and professionals. UCL has carved out a niche as the premier transnational higher education provider in Sri Lanka by partnering with esteemed world’s top ranked universities and institutions to help bring out the best in our students.
UCL is proud to be the exclusive partner for Monash Education in Sri Lanka and delivers the Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) and Monash College Diploma programmes at its state- of- the- art Campus in the heart of Sri Lanka’s capital city – Sri Jayewardenepura. Upon completion, students will enter a World’s Top 50 University and Australia’s Group of Eight University – Monash University, in Australia or Malaysia. We are also partnered exclusively with Canada’s leading U15 research intensive university, Dalhousie University to offer the first 2+2 Canadian Degree in Sri Lanka in Computer Science and Bachelor of Computer Science, the University of Central Lancashire to offer their full degree programmes in Software Engineering, Business & Marketing and International Business in Sri Lanka, and NCC Education UK to offer the Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies in Business, Computing, Engineering and Science in Sri Lanka.
UCL espouses a student centric approach and an uncompromising commitment to achieve, maintain and offer the most stringent international standards and highest quality of higher education in Sri Lanka. UCL possesses a highly qualified and competent faculty among the private tertiary education institutes in the country, enabling them to achieve academic excellence and offer their students a superior learning experience in a caring environment. It is also unique that the Programme Coordinators of the Monash College Diploma and the Monash University Foundation Year are both Monash Alumni, which contributes in no small measure to prepare their students to excel at a Top 50 University in the world. It is remarkable that UCL has consistently produced over 375 Monash Global Awards of Excellence winners outperforming fellow students sitting for the same examinations across all Monash providers internationally. We have also achieved high pass rates for the degree programmes of the University of Central Lancashire over the past five years with 80% of our graduates achieving First Class Honours. All our teaching and learning is conducted by using university approved teaching methods including the use of their learning management systems, academic integrity and coursework guidelines.